Most common joint diseases in the old age

As we age, our bodies undergo a series of changes, and our joints are no exception. Joint diseases become frequent companions in the old age, affecting the quality of life and limiting the mobility of many people. These conditions can generate pain, inflammation and difficulty when performing daily tasks. It is essential to understand what these diseases are, what their causes are and how to prevent them in order to carry on an active and healthy life during our golden years.

At Arandovo we want to help you, that’s why we have made this post to explore in detail the most common joint diseases in the old age. We will discover what exactly these conditions are, the causes that lead to them as well as the main bone and joint diseases that affect older people. In addition, we will address the importance of prevention and how to take care of our joints and reduce the risk of developing said diseases.

What are joint diseases?

Joint diseases are conditions that affect the joints of the human body, causing pain, inflammation and limited movement. As we age, it is common to experience a higher incidence of these diseases because our bodies experience wear and tear, as well as degenerative changes. Joint diseases can have a significant impact on the quality of life when it comes to older people, but with proper knowledge and care, they can be managed effectively. 

Causes of joint diseases

There are several causes that can trigger joint diseases in the old age. Some of the most common include:

Natural wear and tear

The aging process causes gradual wear and tear on the cartilage that cushions joints, which can lead to osteoarthritis, the most common form of joint disease in the old age.

Previous injuries

Injuries to joints that occurred earlier in life can increase the risk of developing joint diseases in the future.

Overweight or obesity

Excess weight puts additional stress on joints, which can cause damage and increase the likelihood of developing joint diseases.

Genetic factors

Some joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, have a genetic component and can be inherited.

What are the main bone and joint diseases?

There are several joint diseases that affect the elderly and that may impair their daily life without the proper treatment. Among the most common are:


It is the most common form of joint disease and occurs due to the gradual wearing away of the cartilage lining the joints. It causes pain, stiffness and inflammation, especially in the joints of hands, knees, hips and spine. 

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints and can cause chronic pain, swelling and deformity. It often affects the hands, wrists and feet.


It is a type of arthritis caused by the deposit of uric acid crystals in the joints. It usually affects the big toe and can cause episodes of severe pain and inflammation.


It is not strictly a joint disease, but it affects bone density and strength, which can increase the risk of fractures. Bone fractures, especially those in the spine, hips and wrists, can limit mobility and cause chronic pain.

How to prevent joint diseases

While it is difficult to completely prevent joint diseases, measures can be taken to reduce risks and better manage symptoms. Here are some ways to prevent joint diseases:

Maintain a healthy weight with a proper diet

Overweight and obesity increase the load on joints, which can accelerate wear and tear. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight and adopt a balanced diet that includes foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 and antioxidants, such as fish, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and nuts. You can also include natural food supplements in your diet to complement your lunches and dinners.

Engage in low-impact physical activities

Regular exercise is essential to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints and maintain flexibility. Opt for low-impact activities, such as walking, swimming or yoga, which reduce stress on the joints.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Prolonged sitting in one position can increase joint stiffness. Take regular breaks to stretch and move around, especially if you have a job that requires sitting for long periods.

Avoid injuries

Take precautions to avoid joint injuries. Use proper protective equipment when practicing sports or engaging in strenuous physical activity. Be sure to warm up and stretch before exercising.

Control stress

Chronic stress can increase inflammation in the body, which can worsen symptoms of joint disease. Look for stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga or cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce stress levels and promote overall health.

Keep a medical follow-up

Make regular visits to your doctor in order to evaluate the health of your joints. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can help prevent the progression of joint diseases and minimize symptoms.

MKARE helps to maintain your joints healthy

At Arandovo we are constantly evolving, that’s why we research the enormous potential of the egg membrane as a functional ingredient on a daily basis, as it natively contains a unique source of bioactive compounds with multiple health benefits.

  • Helps you to age in an active and healthy way

Arandovo’s MKARE is a food supplement that can help seniors to age actively and healthily. MKARE eggshell membrane is a rich source of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and over 400 key biomolecules. These bioactive components work together to provide an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect on our joints.

  • Delays the aging process

Another benefit of MKARE is its ability to delay the aging process. The collagen and proteins present in this supplement improve joint health and reduce inflammation, especially in areas of the body that experience the most stress.

  • Promotes healthy joints

In addition, MKARE promotes healthy joints, ligaments and tendons. Collagen, elastin and chondroitin sulfate present in the eggshell membrane are important structural components of connective tissue, helping to maintain its integrity and proper function.

  • Reduces inflammation

MKARE also helps to reduce inflammation. The hyaluronic acid present in the eggshell membrane lubricates joints and helps to reduce inflammation, which improves mobility and reduces joint pain.

  • Healthy bones

On the other hand, MKARE helps to maintain healthy bones, which is especially relevant for the elderly. The unique combination of nutrients present in the eggshell membrane contributes to maintaining bone health by providing flexibility, elasticity and support. This, along with the reduction of inflammation in the joints, helps to prevent cartilage deterioration.

In short, MKARE is a food supplement that offers multiple benefits for joint and bone health. Its unique formula of eggshell membrane provides the nutrients needed to promote a healthy joint function, reduce inflammation and delay the aging process.

As we have seen throughout this post, joint diseases are common in the old age due to natural wear and tear, previous injuries, overweight and genetic factors. However, thanks to MKARE and by adopting a healthy lifestyle, maintaining an adequate weight, exercising regularly, taking care of posture and following a balanced diet, it is possible to prevent and better manage said diseases.

If you want to know more about MKARE and how it can help you on a daily basis, visit our website or send us a message, we will provide you with all the necessary information so that you can get to know our functional ingredient first hand.